Congratulations Andy for passing Advanced Tax first time!
It was a breath of fresh air teaching Andy Advanced Tax as he always made jokes and did not take himself too seriously.
If you look at your birth certificate, you will see that it does not say life is easy. We all have suffering and challenges in our lives.
Too often, we look at others and feel that their lives are much easier not realising that there is a lot of pain hidden beneath the surface.
This is why we need to appreciate our blessings like Andy and enjoy the journey instead of worrying about the destination.
Have faith and success will come.
If you are planning on doing Advanced Tax in December 2022 or March 2023, I recommend you purchase Advanced Tax Condensed and make a head start. You need to deal with at least 30 separate technical areas to pass the exam and this book will really make the difference. You can purchase it using the link below:
#tax #success #kaplan #neildacosta