Yes, it is ACCA results day, and the good news keeps flooding in. Chelsea did not have an easy ride with Advanced Tax and when I met her, she was already sceptical about passing.

However, I realised that she was a fighter. This young lady had already battled with illness and looked at it as a challenge instead of surrendering to it. As a fitness instructor, she had set herself incredible challenges and completed them.

I knew she had the determination to be successful and I challenged her to complete exam questions and drill them. Due to the technical complexity of tax, you have to repeat the same questions to fully understand it and Chelsea was prepared to put in the work.

Over time, I could see she was improving but decided to push her to do more and I knew she had the mental resilience to raise her game. Chelsea also used my Advanced Tax Condensed notes and I explained to her that if she learnt them, she would have the technical knowledge to get through.

She has now qualified, and I am so proud of her. The struggles along the way make the victory so much sweeter.

If you are planning on doing Taxation or Advanced Tax in December 2022 /March 2023, I recommend you purchase Tax Condensed or Advanced Tax Condensed which will allow you to learn the technical rules at lightning speed.  

 You can purchase it using the link below:

#sucess #determination #neildacosta #kaplan