Many of us struggle with failure and it makes us feel worthless. We feel like giving up and crawling into a hole to hide.

For ACCA students sitting their professional exams alongside their demanding exams alongside their work and personal commitments, this is daunting task and sometimes, they fail exams.

The ACCA and Kaplan have decided to do a joint webinar to help students overcome failure by explaining how to overcome the pain of failure and strive on to reach your goals.

This will be hosted by me, Neil Da Costa, on Monday the 6th of June from 1pm to 2pm (Yes, we do know it is exam week!) A recording of the webinar will also be provided to everyone who registers.

I will be joined by one of my Kaplan ATX ex-students, the inspirational Asif Mohammed who has gone on after qualifying to build an international business empire. Asif will be sharing his amazing story and explaining how he overcame challenges to get to where he is today. What I found particularly interesting was how Asif made the transition from Finance to CEO. He is a captivating speaker, and you don’t want to miss this opportunity to get motivated, encouraged, and ready to smash through your ACCA exams!

Remember failure is NOT GAME OVER!

To register for this FREE event, please click on the link below:

My Advanced Tax and Tax Condensed notes have been published. The books are relevant for all tax exams from June 2022 up to March 2023 and make learning the vast tax syllabus manageable by the use of accelerated learning techniques such colour, diagrams, and Neil’s Top Tips. You will also get lots of free additional resources.

You can purchase these amazing fun innovative books using the links below:

 #accastudents #kaplan #accaglobal #failfast #neildacosta