Today you might be feeling tense as you wait for your ACCA results to be released.

It can be a harrowing experience yet very exciting to find out that your hard efforts are being rewarded and you are moving ahead with your professional career.

If you are not successful, remember it is not the end of the road. Treat it as a learning experience and analyse what went wrong. Then commit to trying a different strategy for the December exams. Every successful person has failed at something.

To quote Heraclitus, Out of every hundred men in a battle, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets and nine are the real fighters and we are lucky to have then, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back. (535-475 BC)

Be a warrior in your own life.

If you are planning on doing Taxation or Advanced Tax in December 2022 /March 2023, I recommend you purchase Tax Condensed or Advanced Tax Condensed which will allow you to learn the technical rules at lightning speed.  

 You can purchase it using the link below:

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