With the Advanced Tax, Tax and BPT exams just a few days away, many students are in panic mode and desperately try and do so much that they end up going in circles.

What you need to do is sit down and come up with a list of about 10 questions that cover all the taxes -income tax, Corp tax, capital gains tax, VAT, national insurance, and stamp duty.

Spend time carefully working through these questions from the Kaplan Exam Kit and repeat each question 3 times. In so doing, you will understand the key topics that will help you pass the exam next week.

It’s quality over quantity.

In tax, no one knows everything, and you only need to pass the exam.

A useful resource is Neil Da Costa’s Tax Exam Podcast which focuses on key topics that come up in the exam and summarises the main points in less than 15 minutes.

The podcast can be accessed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts and sets you up to attempt exam questions,

Why not join the hundreds of tax students from around the world that are listening in? Just type Neil Da Costa Tax Exam Podcast into your browser and get revising.

I have just released 5 episodes including an overview of income tax, Corp tax and income tax losses which are guaranteed topics in all the tax exams.

Click on the link below and get revising!

 #tax #podcast #neildacosta #makingtaxeasy