With the ACCA results now imminent , my students feel the familiar sense of trepidation.

In this month’s amazing PQ Magazine, I have written an article called ‘Making Failure Less Painful’. This was part of ACCA / Kaplan’s #failfast campaign showing students how to cope with failure. I would like to thank Graham Hambly for publishing it

For students attempting their professional accountancy exams, occasionally failing a paper is part of the journey to becoming a qualified Chartered Accountant.

In this article, I identify the 5 key reasons why students fail their exams and give you a winning strategy to overcome these 5 reasons.

I have also explained that by redefining failure as part of the learning journey, it becomes more palatable.

I encourage you to read ‘Can’t Hurt Me’ by David Goggins which will show you how to develop a calloused mind so you can withstand every adversity that comes your way. As David says, ‘Trust me, the storm will come’.

None of us can control what life throws at us but we can choose how to react to it. That is the ultimate survival technique.

Here is the link for the August issue of PQ Magazine. The article is on page 23 and details of my interview with the successful millionaire, Asif Mohammad, is on page 9. This is PQ’s Top Pick of the month.

PQ is indisputably the best free magazine for part qualified accountants in the world so why not subscribe to it?

Check it out at: https://issuu.com/pqpublishing/docs/web_pq_aug22

If you are planning on doing Taxation or Advanced Tax in September 2022, I recommend you purchase Tax Condensed or Advanced Tax Condensed which will allow you to learn the technical rules If you then practice the key questions I recommend, you too will be ready for anything the examiner throws at you.

 These books will really make the difference. You can purchase them using the links below:

#failfast #kaplan #accaglobal #neildacosta #resilience