One of the great aspects of being a Kaplan tutor is seeing your students develop . 12 years ago I taught Nina Caygill Advanced Tax and she passed her exams first time to become a fully qualified ACCA accountant.
Nina was an AAT tutor at the time and then went on to lecture ACCA/ ICAEW exams as well . I am so proud of what she has accomplished. It was very sweet to hear that even after a decade , she said I was her best tax lecturer ( probably because I was her only one ) and she was grateful for my help.
Nina is also an amazing athlete and has completed the Iron Man triathalon . This consists of a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mile bike ride and finally a full 26.2 mile marathon. Just the thought of it makes me collapse from exhausion.
Nina asked me if she had inspired me to do an Iron Man but I had to be honest and tell her that I can just about run 5 km so being proud of Nina is enough !
#neildacosta #advancedtax #kaplan #accaglobal #icaewinsights #ctastudents
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