Do any of wish you could turn back time? Well yesterday, you could. Clocks went back in the UK, and we all got 25 hours instead of 24.
What did you do with your extra hour? Catch up on your sleep or have a leisurely cooked breakfast?  However, you spent it, I hope you enjoyed it, and made it count.
For students preparing for their Advanced Tax exams, I recommend they use the time to read through a single 35-mark Advanced Tax exam question to get an overview of the exam they will be facing later.
As you have an extra hour, read through it calmly without rushing. Think about what you are asked to do. What taxes are you dealing with? What explanations do you need?
One of the key reasons people are unsuccessful in their professional exams is because they manage their time poorly. They waste time on activities that will not help them reach their goals. Learn to value your time and you will have a much easier journey.
Every day is a brand-new opportunity and a new beginning. You can have an extra hour each day by waking up a bit earlier and going to bed on time. I practice what I preach and always accomplish more than my peers.
Many of my students listen to one of my tax podcasts at lunchtime, That way in less than 15 minutes they have learned a topic that is likely to be examined.
Remember the classic quote ‘Carpe Diem’ and seize the day. 
#students #successstrategies #advancedtax #neildacosta