Why Should You Use Neil Da Costa’s Tax Exam Podcasts?

It is available on Spotify, Apple, and Google podcasts

Each episode is under 15 minutes in length.

It has been used by hundreds of tax students in more than 30 countries.

It can be downloaded and used while commuting, cooking or walking the dog.

It focuses on the most likely areas to be examined in the tax exams.

It covers all the different taxes.

17 episodes are free.

To subscribe to all the episodes only costs 99p a month which is all donated to a volunteer charity for underprivileged children in Kenya.  

I match all the subscriptions with my own money, so you can pass your exams and the slum kids and orphans stand a better chance in life.  

Click On the link below to check it out.

If you are planning on doing Advanced Tax in March 2023, I recommend you purchase Advanced Tax Condensed which will allow you to learn the technical rules at lightning speed.  

 You can purchase it using the link below:

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