Neil Da Costa’s Tax Exam Podcast has now had more than 5,000 listens!

Each episode is less than 15 minutes and covers a key topic what is likely to be examined. It is excellent for last minute revision as listening to the podcasts will allow the technical information to be stored in your short-term memory.

Why not join the hundreds of students from over 40 countries and listen to the 16 FREE episodes? I prepared the podcast to help students from all around the world. I want you to pass. 80% listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

If you can afford it, why not subscribe for 99p a month to access everything? 100% of the cash will go straight to disadvantaged kids in Kenya through volunteers.

The importance of wide syllabus coverage is self-evident and for anyone planning on sitting the ACCA Tax exam or ACCA Advanced Tax exam in June, I recommend you get my condensed notes so you will be able to crack on!#tax #acca #students #podcast